Methods and means for exterminating ants in a personal plot
Your cute summer cottage may well appeal to such dangerous "neighbors" as ants. And if this happened, then you should immediately begin the fight against these small pests, otherwise absolutely all the “residents” of the site will suffer. The destruction of ants in such conditions is a whole complex of measures that will require a competent approach and patience. And remember that everything must be correctly planned and clearly executed, since the slightest flaw on your part can lead to an instant restoration of the number of ant colony with which you have been struggling for so long and painfully.
Where will the garden ant live?
The most dangerous "neighbors" in the infield are Pharaonic ants. These small ginger insects can seriously harm both delicate garden plants and mighty trees. They equip their nests in the roots of apple trees, plums or pears or settle right among the crops.
Ants prefer those areas where the soil is rarely cultivated, since no one will disturb them in this place. Living and parasitizing in the land "forgotten" by the gardener, the pest increases the size of its colony every season and expands the boundaries of the anthill.
On a note! If a colony of ants settled in the roots of a tree, then it is guaranteed to die in 3 years, and the nest in the garden promises damage to all crops that grow near it!
Methods of dealing with garden ants
The fight against garden ants should be tough and well thought out. And for destruction, you can use both chemicals and more sparing folk remedies. What to choose will depend on the degree of contamination of the site and on your personal preferences. Let's get acquainted with the most effective forms of struggle.
Important! Seeing ants in their summer cottage, some gardeners in a panic simply begin to crush them. In fact, this is an absolutely useless activity that only takes a lot of time. Those individuals who constantly pull supplies are labor force, and the population size does not in any way depend on them! It is imperative to destroy the uterus and all its offspring!
To combat ants in the country most often use the means, an overview of which is presented below.
Diazinon-based industrial poisons. On sale, this product comes in the form of a powder, which must be diluted with water before use according to the instructions and only then used for the processing of garden and horticultural crops. Working individuals will not only eat the poisonous substance themselves, but they will certainly bring it to their nest on their paws. Accordingly, after a while the entire colony will be poisoned.
The active substance diazinon is a highly effective organophosphorus compound that exhibits a nerve-paralytic effect on the body of an insect. Diazinon has the ability to be absorbed not only through the mouth, but also through the chitinous cover, thus penetrating the intestines.Two days after treatment, the pests die.
Preparations based on diazinon are quite economical, for example, one 10 ml bottle of "Anteater" is enough for you to process a plot of 50 m2. With the help of such means, you can destroy not only adults, but also their larvae. The duration of such chemicals is about 3 weeks.
Pasty products and gels. It is advisable to use such preparations for controlling ants in greenhouses or tunnels, since they are effective only in direct contact with parasites. Agree, it is impossible to "coat" the entire garden with gel. Sometimes such tools are used in combination with other drugs - a gel or paste is applied to small sections of cardboard and laid out near an anthill, which is simultaneously treated with liquid poisons. Workers eat the poisoned substance and put it on their paws in a nest, where the poison begins to work against all residents, including the uterus.
Sticky traps, sticky belts. Such devices work very simply - the fishing belt must be tied around the trunk and firmly fastened with an ordinary rope. Ants moving up the trunk will certainly fall into such a trap and will no longer be able to escape from it. Adherent parasites are guaranteed to die.
The sticky surface does not contain insecticides, shows high resistance to moisture and dries very slowly. Place adhesive tape at a height of 70 cm from ground level.
Important! The fight against ants in the garden cannot be carried out only with the use of adhesive tapes. With this tool, you can only protect the top of the tree from damage, but the fishing belt will not affect the pest nest!
Folk methods
Now let's find out how to deal with garden ants using folk methods. In the arsenal of gardeners there are a huge number of home-made products that sometimes work much better than industrial ones.
- The first step is digging up the anthill. In this case, digging should be pretty deep. Sometimes it happens that a destroyed nest causes pests to leave the site. If the anthill is located next to the fruit tree, then its trunk and root zone must be treated with a concentrated solution of lime, if in the garden, then the same product is applied to the soil and again digged.
- Repellent plants will help you scare away ants from your site. These include: bay leaf, tansy, parsley, tomato tops, mint and valerian. Leaves or stems are bundled and hung on tree trunks. If you managed to find the paths along which the ants move, then these plants are recommended to be spread out in these places. If possible, it is advisable to plant valerian and mint bushes between ridges.
- Another fairly affordable remedy for ants in the country is ordinary baking soda. It is sprinkled with places of accumulation of pests and discovered nests.
- Destroy the parasites will help a glass of a strong solution of boric acid with the addition of 4 tablespoons of sugar. This liquid must be filled with an anthill.
- The following remedy is prepared from sulfur and ground oregano grass. The components are mixed in a ratio of 2: 1, the infected areas are sprinkled with the drug, and then they are dug up.
- You can prepare poison from garden ants from kerosene. 10 tablespoons of the product should be diluted in 10 liters of water and pour the nest with the resulting solution.
- Places of accumulation of insects is recommended to treat onion or garlic juice.
- The following poison bait is quite effective against garden pests: combine 1/3 teaspoon of borax, 1 tablespoon of sugar and 3 cups of water. Warm the mixture until the components are completely dissolved, cool and pour a teaspoon of honey. To lay out the bait along the ant paths and near their nest.
- You can also process the anthill with ordinary boiling water. Only it is desirable to fill it in the evening, when all the ants will be "at home".First, they dig up the nest well, then pour it abundantly with boiling water.
- Yeast-based remedy works well against ants. A tablespoon of live yeast should be diluted with chilled boiled water to the consistency of thick sour cream and add a small amount of jam or honey. The resulting preparation is applied to pieces of cardboard and laid out in places of movement of pests. Ants eat the poison themselves and carry a poisonous treat in the nest. So you can destroy the entire colony.
More information on how to get rid of the anthill on the site can be found in the article:
Each gardener tries to protect his plot from pests and protect the culture from damage. And the result of the struggle will always depend on how correctly the method was chosen. Act persistently - this is the only way you can save your plot and crop!